Gordon Hotel

Famous as a Green Book site, this building was one of the few hotels in Cincinnati that offered rooms for black travelers during Jim Crow.

Jacob Schmidlapp of the Model Homes Company, continued his mission to produce affordable, decent housing in Walnut Hills from 1911 until his death in 1919. The Gordon Hotel was constructed in 1916 and provided an alternative to the rooming houses in the neighborhood for decades before turning into apartments in 1935. It was listed a Green Book site in 1939.

For more information on this important Green Book site see the Walnut Hills entry on The Gordon Hotel: https://walnuthillsstories.org/stories/low-cost-housing-gordon-hotel/


Chapel Street and Ashland Avenue


Geoff Sutton, “Gordon Hotel,” Cincinnati Sites and Stories, accessed July 27, 2024, https://stories.cincinnatipreservation.org/items/show/65.